Practicing Courage with Meenakshi Menon

Practicing Courage is an expansion of my consulting practice, where I document and write about my work with global social justice movements, as well as current events, politics, culture, and other defining moments in the turbulent times we continue to live through.

So why a newsletter and why now? At a time when there’s so much going on, I need an outlet for writing, analysis, and experimentation. But like a lot of people, I’m also craving community. This is a place where I hope we can grapple together in community, learning together, holding complexity and discomfort together, and moving collectively towards a more just, shared future. Whether you sign up as a free or paid subscriber, I hope you’ll join me.

Free Subscribers have access to content that weaves together:

  • Reflections from my journey;

  • Analysis from my work;

  • Important research and timely information;

  • Coaching, Political Education, & Planning resources and guides; and

  • Joyful things I read, watch, and eat.

Paid subscribers receive all free content plus :

  • Sneak peaks of new writing and audio projects;

  • Q&As, community conversations, and occasional interviews with other folks I admire; and

  • My deepest gratitude—being a paid subscriber means you’re directly supporting me and my work!

Either way, welcome and thank you! I’m glad we’re in this together.

About Me

I’m a seasoned social justice leader, strategic advisor, coach, and writer, passionate about racial and gender justice, wealth redistribution, and narrative and cultural change. Born in New York City to Malayali immigrants from India and Malaysia, I grew up in the South Asian diaspora, and was raised across Singapore, Malaysia, India, and the U.S. (Texas). Currently, I call Brooklyn, New York home, and reside on the ancestral and unceded lands of the Munsee Lenape and Canarsie People.

Weaving together my lived experience with my eclectic professional background in public health, human rights, reproductive justice, and philanthropy, I’ve had the opportunity to work on projects in over 30 countries, lead 2 non-profit organizations, and raise over $100 million. Most recently, as the Interim Co-Executive Director and Chief Development Officer of Groundswell Fund and Groundswell Action Fund, I co-authored and co-organized The Time Is Now Pledge, calling on philanthropy to radically increase funding for abortion access, and better resource grassroots reproductive justice organizations after the fall of Roe v. Wade.

After several years of battling with chronic illness and, in 2022, developing long COVID, throughout 2023 I took a personal sabbatical (more on my radical sabbatical coming soon!), (re)learning how to take care of my health, family, and well-being. Along the way, I’ve reclaimed my joy, reconnected with my personal mission, and reimagined my relationship to work and productivity, infusing more balance, creativity, and community into my life.

Subscribe to Practicing Courage

A newsletter about global social justice movements, culture, and politics in the turbulent times we live in.


Seasoned non-profit leader, strategic advisor, coach, & writer. Passionate about racial and gender justice, wealth redistribution, and narrative and cultural change. Let's work together! Email: